May 20: Fridge bling, you make my heart sing

Somebody 'splain, please: new Gorenje product

Breathtaking? Um, why does a refrigerator need to be breathtaking? I can understand why you might want an appliance to be non-hideous. But a refrigerator that "delights your eye" and will "make your heart sing" is just trying way too hard. I mean, it only does one thing: it keeps stuff cold. It doesn't wash your dishes or grind up garbage or cook food or anything that actively makes life easier. It's. Just. Cold. Oh, and "tall and dark, a woman's dream"??? Hel-lo??? I can honestly say I've never dreamt of a refrigerator, let alone a tall and/or dark one. And how hard do you think it is to clean ketchup out of those crystals on the door handle? Oi.

That being said... Lori, you totally need this for your new kitchen.


  1. Darn it! Should have found it sooner! Should a refrigerator be nicer than your wedding ring??? :)

  2. Not nicer, but probly more expensive!

  3. Darn it! Should have found it sooner! Should a refrigerator be nicer than your wedding ring??? :)


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