Jan. 29: Gratitude

gratitude Sherilee has inspired me again to reflect on the things for which I’m grateful. It’s not an easy thing for me this week, as I’m feeling pretty rotten, but I think I can still come up with a list worthy of a post. In no particular order…

I’m thankful for Twitter, which frequently gives me the giggles. This evening I was working on a “witty twitters” post to publish in the next few days, and in doing so, discovered a new (to me) Twitterer named MikeyADHD. Like Dogphorisms, Mikey is not what he seems, I’m quite sure—he’s supposedly a kid and definitely oh-so-inappropriate… and also very, very funny. I laughed so hard while I read through his twitters that I thought I was gonna throw up. Laughing until it hurts is pretty great, but I do try to stop before I puke. Usually.

My furry housemates are sweethearts, and I’m quite sure they can sense that I need a little extra lovin’ this week. For the last few days, my nap companions have been two dogs and a cat, all pressed against me playing the let’s-see-who-can-get-closest-to-Jen game. I mostly love that game. This cuddly stuff makes me thankful, also, for a large bed.

Sunshine shared lots of Michael Bublé music videos on Facebook all week, and this one made me smile more than any other. They’re all good, of course. I like this guy so much, but I can’t imagine ever preferring any of his songs over my all-time favorite, “Home.” Here’s a funny video of him pronouncing his name (which is not “boobull,” by the way).

Which reminds me, Jon Hamm and Michael Bublé are on Saturday Night Live tomorrow. Is that a total man-candy episode, or what? 

I love fonts to a somewhat embarrassing degree. It all started when I worked for my friend Lafe in college; he unwittingly made me the font-crazy freak I am today. Here are a bunch of really fun free fonts from a site my friend Deanna told me about. Enjoy, won’t you? And if you want even more fun, check out Lettering Delights. I’ve purchased more of their alphabets and coordinating clip art than I care to admit—sometimes they run great sales—but as the PTO prepares for our big carnival at school next weekend, they’re really coming in handy. That makes it totally worth it, right? Right.

Fancy Lori™ took her son (my future son-in-law) in for an appendectomy this morning. He’s home this evening, and already feeling better. Hooray!

I’m especially grateful this week for eBay/Etsy seller English Traditions. She’s the one who made my new, very pretty and comfy scarves, and in a very speedy manner: I put my fabric in last Friday’s mail and got my finished scarves back yesterday! If you know anyone going through chemotherapy, I recommend these—they’re very well made and fit perfectly. Also, the seller’s name is Kathleen (Kathy), so you know she’s gotta be awesome. smiley

A lot of my friends are going to a memorial service tomorrow for a former classmate of ours. Even those of us who didn’t know her well have been affected by the news of her death; it’s tragic when someone dies too young, and because hers was a suicide, it’s all the more heartbreaking. It sounds like the turnout at the service will be huge, and I’m glad for that, because her mutual friends will definitely need each other for support. I wish she could have seen how many people are devastated by the loss of their friend.

Speaking of friends, I’m incredibly grateful for mine. They do such good things, many of which I doubt they even realize lift my spirits in ways nothing else can. Whether it’s in person, via text message, blog comment, email or Facebook conversation, I adore them for all they are and the ways they continue to enrich my life.


P.S. Here, for no reason whatsoever, is a picture of a cute little bunny:


You’re welcome.


  1. Jennifer...I oh so loveeeee that quote in the cute little swirl :) Is it ok if I repost that sometime to my page...and you DO have a great group of groupies just like I do. Aren't we blessed?!

  2. Take the quote, Brenda! It's a good one. And yes, we're VERY fortunate to have the friends we do. :)

  3. I'm grateful for YOU, Jen. For all your humor and grace in the face of challenges. And for Twitter and the laugh-out-loud moments too! And I just might have to stay up for SNL tonight... but then, there's always Hulu. I'm thankful for Hulu too!

    Have a wonderful Saturday. I too will be thinking of mutual friends paying tribute to Cheryl. I hope some healing can start to take place. xo

  4. You are so weird. And, I love every bit of it. You make me envious, even in your misery, which you put so thoughtfully on this mechanical wonder of a blog. You have such dedication to sharing. You're just a gem, Jen. ShevyX.

  5. i can't read the fine print in the image. is that really by david spade? :-)

  6. If it isn't Boobull, then it must be

  7. i can't read the fine print in the image. is that really by david spade? :-)

  8. Jennifer...I oh so loveeeee that quote in the cute little swirl :) Is it ok if I repost that sometime to my page...and you DO have a great group of groupies just like I do. Aren't we blessed?!


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