Dec. 19: Giggles

I should be finishing up our Christmas cards, but I don’t feel like it. So many steps, what with the CDs that go in some, the labels that go on the CDs, the other labels that go on the CD sleeves, the folding, the assembling, the sealing, the return address labels, and the trip to the post office because I chose an odd size for our cards this year and need special stamps. I’m a big dummy.

Or maybe EVERYONE will be getting an e-card this year. Pffft.

Time again to share pictures I’ve been collecting from ‘round the web. Think of these as my half-assed Christmas gifts to you. YOU’RE WELCOME.




Oh, you know you would too:





My kids are probably glad I didn’t find this until after I’d started Christmas shopping this year.
Still, it’s a good rule:









This is soooo Victor:



This one isn’t funny, but a good reminder:




Ha! So true:



I’m ashamed to admit that I’ve been watching Glee this season and I
honestly can’t even tell you why. I can’t stand most of the characters,
I don’t particularly enjoy their performances, and
I can’t figure out when the kids ever study. It’s insane that I watch.
I should stop.
I am going to stop.
I am.



I’m not a huge Harry Potter fan, but I love this because it’s anti-Twilight.
I love anything that’s anti-Twilight.


Have a great day, peeps. Smell ya later.


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