Dec. 12: How to Become Internet-Famous 101

I've got some new pictures at My friend Sheila sent the most adorable shot of her little monkey (that is NOT a euphemism for anything) and a new-ish family photo, so I updated her page. I also created a new page for my niece Erin, in which to showcase her lovely wedding photos and she-devil puppy.

The moral of the story? If you want your picture on the Internet, e-mail it to me. It's pretty much that simple.

Oh, and if you inadvertently send me nekkid pictures it will take a nice bribe to un-publish them. Ye be warned.

Another way you can get mentioned here is to tell me you don't like something (say, an annoying animated GIF image) because then I will publish, say, every annoying animated GIF image I ever find. Like so:

There's only one way to get me to stop posting annoying animated GIF images and that is to invite me on your annual San Francisco trip with you and your BFF instead of calling me from there saying, "Guess where we are!" and "Please read us a list of every San Francisco hotel because we're too drunk to remember where we stayed last year," and "What should we order at this fabulous restaurant you recommended?" and "Guess how many oranges I rolled down the sidewalk to homeless and/or toothless people today?" and "I saw Jackie Mason and he boob-grazed me!"

Get it? Enough already!

I forgot my point. Oh yeah. It pays to know me. I think that was what I was trying to say. I feel dizzy.



  1. I bet you'd hate if someone sent you pictures of their mah-velous trip to San Francisco, too!

  2. I bet you'd hate if someone sent you pictures of their mah-velous trip to San Francisco, too!


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