I finally got to see Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End. I thought it was great--I liked how all those loose ends from Dead Man's Chest got tied up. Not sure how someone could fall asleep in such a loud and action-filled flick, unless they're just really old or 47½.
I found out after I got home that I should've stayed until the credits were done, because there was a bonus scene at the end. This was no bonus scene like in the previous two movies--which were really not bonus-y at all, just pointless extra scenes--it was actually a big plot thingie.
Here be spoilers. Do NOT watch this if you have not yet, but plan to, see the movie. Because remember... it is actually a big plot thingie.
If the clip is missing, search youtube for "pirates credits end" (or something similar, no quotes) and you'll probably find another.And finally, I just can't resist sharing a cute kid story...
There's a part in the movie where Jack Sparrow has miniature selves talking to him. Last night (our) Jack came into our room with a Jack Sparrow action figure on each shoulder and said, "Look, I'm just like the movie!"
Alright now, to the depths with ye--
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