Apr. 1: It simply cannot be!

I loved Hal Sparks as the host of Talk Soup. I didn’t know anything about him before that show, but I developed a “thing” for him immediately. Why? Well, for starters, he’s adorable. Dur. But mostly, because I love his sense of humor. It seemed like he did lots of jokes about how he wore leg warmers every day in high school and that might possibly be why he got teased.

When he left Talk Soup and went on to Queer As Folk, Ed said I would probably like him on that show. I have yet to see a single episode of Queer As Folk, for which I am profoundly ashamed. Ed usually has pretty good taste in TV and movies, so I trust his recommendations. I need to get the DVDs. Not that I need any more reason to love Hal Sparks.

But then I saw this recent photo of my dear Hal, and I realized that my love for him may have some conditions, like bathing and lice removal. I just pray to Bob that he was having a really, really, really bad day, because seeing him looking like this made me die a little inside. And also, because at first glance I thought he was Gene Simmons. Yikes.

1 comment:

  1. I'll hold him down you spray him with RID and then we'll shave him clean. I agree with Ed, Hal was great in QAF, a little whiny at times but still good.


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