Apr. 4: Typeity type type

I definitely inherited my mom's quick typing skills. (Thanks, Mom!) I got 91 words per minute on this test. Try it out and report your results. I promise not to make too much fun of your slowpokedness.

Typing test

You know I'm joking, of course. I will totally make fun of your slowpokedness. Don't you know me at all???


  1. Oh, I am so glad that I came across your bright, light nice blog! I just took the typing test...and I got 80 words a minute. I backspaced and corrected my errors as I went along...perhaps my speed would have been higher if I hadn't?

    I'll be back to have more of a look at your blog...you are way over on the other side of the continent from me, by the way!


  2. Blah 77, but that's not too bad considering that I don't type that much.

  3. Every child awaits the day when they can out due their parents in some endeavor--well the day has arrived for you, Jen! I came in at 83 words per minute-----though, I might add, I didn't make any mistakes at all.

    I'm sorta running out of one-up-ance on your....

    I love you MUCHLY!

  4. O.K., 99 but with only 92 correct words. You have to remember that I have an OCD type thing (see the play on words...) where I type what people are saying all the time. I know, don't ask. It's less messy than running good paper through my fingers. ;)

  5. Lori, the same person that runs good paper through her fingers also types as people speak... but with her TOES. Top that.

  6. I stopped trying to top her circa 1979! ;)

  7. Oh, I am so glad that I came across your bright, light nice blog! I just took the typing test...and I got 80 words a minute. I backspaced and corrected my errors as I went along...perhaps my speed would have been higher if I hadn't?

    I'll be back to have more of a look at your blog...you are way over on the other side of the continent from me, by the way!



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