Apr. 25: Fight literacy with Gilly!

This is Gilly, my mom’s new dog. I finally got to meet him a couple weeks ago and he is such a sweet boy. He’s clumsy and playful and goofy and all the things a big puppy should be. He’s also an adoring companion for Mom and hardly lets her out of his sight. And let’s be honest, while that’d drive ya nuts in a person, in a puppy, it’s just the best.

Gilly shows signs of being a pretty smart guy. He’s getting the hang of house training quickly, obeys basic commands, and knows what to do to get treats, walks, all that “good dog!” stuff. There’s just one thing that concerns me. Apparently Mom’s love of reading keeps her from taking him on walks when he feels he deserves them. Sneaky Gilly waits until she’s left her books unattended and then eats them. He also ate a written prescription of my grandma’s but I think he was just trying to do all of us a favor that time.


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