May 16: Another Lori that rocks

My friend Lori knits. Not this Lori. The Other Lori™. The Other Lori™ has a bumper sticker on her car that says “Friends don’t let friends knit ugly” and it’s not even magnetic, so you know she’s hard-core. Every time I see some funny-weird-hideous knitted thing I think of sending The Other Lori™ a picture. Sometimes I do. I think she would block my e-mail if I actually sent her pictures of stuff as often as I consider it. (Apparently I tend to scare people.)

Recently I found a photo of some old shoes that had been converted into Converse high tops by replacing the worn out uppers with knitted uppers. Odd and impractical, yes, but interesting. Knitters seem to have the (yarn)balls to try lots of things us non-knitters wouldn’t. I e-mailed a pic of the shoes to The Other Lori™ and she e-mailed back two examples of booties she’s done. Click to get the full, adorable effect.

Are these the cutest? I think they just might be. They’re way better than the underpants knitted with licorice strings, anyway. But probably not as edible.

Oh, another reason to like The Other Lori™: she actually quoted “You can’t win friends with salad” to me once. That was worth, like, eleventy points on the coolness scale.


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