Nov. 20: Geez, Kramer

Before and since Seinfeld, I've never really enjoyed Michael Richards all that much. Unless he's being Kramer, I don't think he's funny. Besides Seinfeld, his TV shows sucked. I've seen him do stand-up and never laughed. I think this video (courtesy of of him absolutely losing control during a stand-up performance might just reveal something that isn't very funny at all. I mean, any comedian has the right to scream at hecklers, but he went straight for some of the worst kind of racial insults. Yikes.

(The video link will open in a new window. You might be prompted to install an ActiveX control. You might also see an ad before the actual clip begins.)

Too bad, dude. It's a big headline today, and this kind of news certainly can't help the guy's career (just ask Mark Fuhrman). But I believe in karma. So whether this was a lousy attempt at humor or an intentional diatribe, I'm confident that karma will figger it out.


P.S. I think I would make a really good billionaire if given the chance.


  1. And you know it was bad to take the TomKat wedding off the top news line!

  2. Whaa-aa. Jerry Seinfeld got mad when the audience was laughing as Kramer tried to apologize. Yeah, as if him deciding to apologize deemed him credible suddenly and worth listening to. Again I say Whaa-aa.

  3. If someone were making me mad and I "lost control," as Michael Richards supposedly did, I STILL wouldn't go straight to attacking that person's race. Maybe I'd insult their mother or their fashion sense, but I honestly don't think the racist stuff would even enter my mind.

    He says he's not racist, but there's something somewhere in the guy that must be hanging on to these ideas. Can we say, "Mel Gibson"??? Yikes, I say. Yikes.

  4. If someone were making me mad and I "lost control," as Michael Richards supposedly did, I STILL wouldn't go straight to attacking that person's race. Maybe I'd insult their mother or their fashion sense, but I honestly don't think the racist stuff would even enter my mind.

    He says he's not racist, but there's something somewhere in the guy that must be hanging on to these ideas. Can we say, "Mel Gibson"??? Yikes, I say. Yikes.


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