Apr. 23: IDCEAYWTPFriday

just because. Time again for I Don’t Care Enough About You to Write in Transitioning Paragraphs Friday.

  • ‘Twas a busy week. I spent the entire day at school Monday. I worked for a while yesterday. I can’t remember what I did in between. Oh wait, I do remember! I met Kim F’n for lunch… went to a PTO meeting… cleaned off my desk… re-did the color scheme on my blog… napped… celebrated—or more specifically, remembered—Scout’s 13th birthday… got the school’s volunteers database up-to-date… watched Dreamgirls 17 times… there wasn’t time for much else.
  • Sunday is the fourth annual Olivia Medici Memorial Run. We won’t be participating this year, but I’m going to stop by to see Annalee for a quick minute. It’s always a very special gathering at the run, and a good fundraiser for a worthy cause.
  • Next Tuesday is my eighth chemotherapy treatment. I’ve gone back and forth over whether I should celebrate as though it’s my last one, but we won’t know if I’m done for sure until at least a week after it’s over. So here’s what I’ve decided to do: we’re going to call it my last chemotherapy treatment of this regimen. That means if O.J. still shows up on my scan on May 4, and I have to start a new chemo regimen, I won’t be totally bummed out for celebrating for no reason. Besides, with my sister coming from Colorado for the day, how can’t I make it a party??? So here’s the deal: if you want to come by and join the Jen’s Last Chemo celebration, please do! I won’t force you to do an IV pole dance for me, but it sure would be nice if you offered… You can email me for the location, or look for the info once I post it on my Facebook page.
  • I missed the entire Law & Order: SVU marathon on Tuesday. And I’m still alive! I know, I can almost not even believe it either. If there’s another one on this weekend, I’ll have my giant arse parked in front of the TV fer sure.
  • I got a new desk chair at IKEA and I think it’s the cause of my recent back pain. Doesn’t that suck? It has good lumbar support, so I’m not sure what’s bad about it, but I can’t sit in it for very long at a time without being really uncomfortable. It’s still better than my other chair though—that one made all my hair fall out.
  • (Sometimes I draw unfair conclusions.)
  • I kinda can't believe I'm posting this photo of myself with no eye hair. I miss my eye hair. I also miss my nose hair and my head hair. I don't miss any other hair. I received some delightful surprises this week. Sherilee sent me homemade kettle corn (packed in styrofoam peanuts—like half tasty Cracker Jacks!). A department I contract with at the hospital sent me one of those delicious, fruity Edible Arrangements. Dan sent me a way-cool Yankees cap. It fights cancer, just like Pop Rocks. What a lucky girl I am, with such thoughtful friends!
  • On Monday, when Sunshine and I left the school for two seconds to do a Starbucks run, I ran into Lisa & Kevin Krueger! They were headed back to Walla² after visiting Kevin’s parents for the weekend. It was great to see them, though our visit was very brief. I like coincidences like that—they’re so much better than running into people you hate. smiley
  • So, last week I wrote that I thought Dreamgirls on stage was kinda ho-hum. I have since watched the movie—over and over and over—and I absolutely LOVE it. Love the music, love the cast, love the story. LOVE. Love.
  • There’s another big occasion coming up on May 2. A bunch of us are getting together at Bridgeport for an afternoon of Mike-bashing food and fun. Larry’s coming all the way from Spokane, Mike (“Mr. Devitt” if you’re nasty) is flying in from Boise for the day, Kim is hurrying back from a girlie weekend in Bend, and I’m driving from… the other side of town. We’re hope-hope-hoping that Loveliest Lori will also be along. If you know any of those people and want to meet up with us, let me know—you won’t be sorry. For reals. We’re awesome.
  • Lastly, this picture made me smile today (thanks, Mom!):

1 comment:

  1. lmao at "(Sometimes I draw unfair conclusions.)" - truly made me giggle!


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