Apr. 30: IDCEAYWTPFriday

friday Time again for I Don’t Care Enough About You to Write in Transitioning Paragraphs Friday.

  • I kind of resent the Blazer game when it pre-empts my favorite Thursday night TV shows. There, I said it.
  • Today’s a cram-packed day. I’ve got Rex Reader stuff to do at school, then a volunteer training session to run, then coffee with a friend, and then setup for Teacher Appreciation Week, the busy-ness of which begins Monday. In between those things I’m printing out a bazillion different types of tickets and labels and banners and signs and announcements for next week. My printer ran out of ink last night, so I also need to squeeze in a trip to Office Depot. At least this is my week o’ energy. If I were try to do any of this on Monday I would probably collapse in tears.
  • I had chemo this week. Wrote all about it here.
  • One of our TiVos died the other night. The electricity blinked off for a second, and poor TiVo never recovered. It was the first one we ever got, and lasted a good many years, so I shouldn’t complain but I’m gonna. If you have a TiVo (or DVR) then you know how much it changes the way you watch TV. Adjusting to the old fashioned way is no fun, even for a few days. We’re planning to replace the dead TiVo soon.
  • You know what gets Sharpie off your fingertips? Hot glue burns! I advise you just take my word for it. Victor and I both got really nasty burns on our hands while working on Katie’s covered wagon project. The good thing is that the project is done and ready to be turned in this morning. She actually ended up doing more of it than it seemed she would in the beginning, so I think she can proudly submit it as her own work, or at least mostly so.
  • My cousin suggested I look for a picture of the first Saltmarsh brothers to come to Oregon so Katie could share some of her heritage at school. In the process, I found parts of a journal written by a woman (I think she was my great-great-great grandmother) while on a wagon train from Iowa to Oregon. It was really interesting to read through. Katie went NUTS with pride; it was very cute, like she had no idea anyone in her family ever traveled by covered wagon. Of course, then Vic went on about how HIS family came over on boats, where they had plenty of room and didn’t have to burn buffalo chips for firewood. Those snobby Asians…
  • Saturday I’m having my makeup done and getting my pictures taken sans hair. I’m getting oh-so-nervous. I still haven’t decided what to wear, and I have no idea how these photos are going to look, and I’m totally completely freaking out over it. I really do feel like this is something I need to do for myself, though, and if nothing else, someday down the line my baldy pictures will be good for a laugh. Right? Laughing’s good. Wish me luck.
  • Speaking of the camera, I’ve been threatening to take pictures of myself like this for a long time, and finally got around to it. Let this to be a lesson to children everywhere: someone who wears their wig sideways and cannot apply lipstick well is someone to avoid. 

  • Something else I learned this week: y’know that long-wearing lipstick that lasts all day and won’t come off no matter what unless that matter is Vaseline? Well, if the only red lipstick one has is long-wearing lipstick, and one wants to wear said lipstick for a very brief time, one should make sure one has Vaseline in one’s possession before one smears said lipstick all over one’s mouth or one will be wearing said lipstick for a much longer time than one originally planned. (‘Twas a scary few moments until I finally located the Vaseline.)
  • Today is National Hairball Awareness Day. How are you celebrating? If you can’t think of anything, check out the Wikipedia page on hairballs—you can see pictures of hairballs! Which are not really ball-like at all! And you can read about humans who eat their own hair and then have to have it surgically removed from their intestinal tract! How better to celebrate a holiday such as this one?

Have a delightful weekend, my lovelies!


  1. You made me chuckle while snarfing my bowl of Life cereal :) - you is silly. I love the idea of your photo session :).
    And the posted photo, maybe a little too dramatic - but might pair well with those new automotive hats you're getting :).

  2. Speaking of hot glue, I found a pair of ARG's pants and shirt that were stuck together. We don't even have any hot glue, or the gun to go with it, so I have no idea how this happened, except maybe in one of their classes during make-something-stick-to-yourself time. Short of getting out a pair of shears, I have no idea how to separate them. It's a shame to ruin either the pants or the top, so I'm up for ideas. Does anything dissolve that stuff?

    And, regarding that lipstick, did on of your kids do that, or were you having a bad peripheral neuropathy moment when you put in on?

  3. lmao about the long-wearing lipstick snafoo - glad you found some vaseline finally cause oh lordy!

    Good luck at your photo shoot - I think you are right and it is a good thing to do. Definitely good for future laughs at the very least!


  4. Speaking of hot glue, I found a pair of ARG's pants and shirt that were stuck together. We don't even have any hot glue, or the gun to go with it, so I have no idea how this happened, except maybe in one of their classes during make-something-stick-to-yourself time. Short of getting out a pair of shears, I have no idea how to separate them. It's a shame to ruin either the pants or the top, so I'm up for ideas. Does anything dissolve that stuff?

    And, regarding that lipstick, did on of your kids do that, or were you having a bad peripheral neuropathy moment when you put in on?


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