Apr. 29: Thursday Thunks #5

thursdaythunks I haven’t participated in Thursday Thunks for a very long time. Part of the reason is the creators include themselves in a lot of the questions and I don’t know much about them, so I feel like an outsider trying to play along. This time I took out the questions that didn’t make much sense to me or I didn’t feel like answering. Hey, I can play by my own rules, right?

  1. It seems that there are several very popular memes each day of the week. Which meme did you first become a regular of?
    The first one I participated in regularly was Thursday 13, which I haven’t done in ages. It’s hard to think up 13 anythings, much less make them interesting for others to read. However, if not for Thursday 13 I never would have met Jen E of MommaBlogsALot and my life would be much less bloggy-friendy. smiley_face
  2. Tell us about your pets. Do you have one that you wish would run away?
    is our beagle, our baby, our first love. She turned 13 years old last week. Scout is a typically bark-y beagle, and it’s a lot worse now that she’s almost completely deaf. Over the years she’s become quite naughty, constantly trying to steal food and occasionally having accidents in the house. But she’s still the cuddliest, lovey-est girl there ever was.
    Casey is a rat terrier who came to us as a stray. She’s incredibly insecure and sticks to me like glue, probably because I was the first one in the family to whom she bonded. She’s really friendly to adults but sometimes gets freaked out by little kids and has been known to snap at a few—personally, I think she’s just got a really accurate evil detector. She also hates other dogs—she definitely lived the first part of her life in a single-pet household. One of the funniest things about Casey is that when my sister visits she stares at her non-stop, like she’s keeping an eye on her not to steal stuff. Ha!
    Millie is our kitty, and she’s nearly two years old now. She’s sweet as can be. Loves to sit on my shoulder, and if I don’t pick her up and put here there, she’ll jump up on her own. She thinks Victor is her food source and meows at him if he goes anywhere near her food.
    All our critters are funny, sweet girls. I would cry my heart out if any of them ran away.
  3. What was the last thing colored red that you wore?
    I think I wore a red shirt on Saturday. Yeah, I’m pretty sure I did.
  4. I have a train that runs by where I live several times a day. I actually find it peaceful. What’s the longest journey that you have taken by train?
    I rode Amtrak from Pendleton to Denver and back when I was in college. I’m not sure I’d do it again without a sleeper room or someplace a little more comfy and private. It was relaxing but I got a little stir-crazy because it was something like a 35-hour trip.
  5. If reincarnation really happens, whose life would you like to know that you have already led?
    I love the idea of being some kind of noble, honorable person who made a mark on history. Most likely, though, I was a badger or something else asshole-y.
  6. What are your three favorite possessions?
    My iPhone, laptop, and car. They are what connect me to my friends and family and the outside world. I don’t know if I can say they’re my favorite, really, but they’re definitely the things I use most and appreciate very much.
  7. A lot of people still believe that Elvis is alive. Have you ever worn blue suede shoes?
    I’ve had navy blue leather shoes with a bit of suede on them. Does that count? I think it counts.
  8. Do you have siblings? If yes, are you anything alike?
    One seester. Our sense of humor is very similar. We both have a huge sense of devotion to our friends, families and each other. Personality-wise, though, we’re pretty different.

What is THURSDAY THUNKS? Thursday Thunks (TT) is a blog meme for those who need a little kick in the butt to find something to post about. Your blog posts/answers to TT’s can be type or pictures, doesn’t matter! YOU pick, not us, we just give you the assignment (yep, just like English class... only we won’t grade your spelling and grammar).

Please play along in a comment or your own blog!

1 comment:

  1. Good idea just answering the questions you like! I did a similar thing with my Daybook entries, only answering the prompts I wanted and even adding in new ones and it made the whole thing a lot more enjoyable!

    Now I'm all reminiscent for Thursday 13! :OP


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