Here’s what kept me away from my blog most of this past week.
- Life got insane there for a while, with way too many ups and downs for my liking, so I’m taking today to relax and recuperate before I start another week. How will I do it, you ask? I’ve got Tina Fey’s new book, Bossypants. Good enough. Peace and quiet, except for my occasional LOL-ing at this very funny book, and I should be a happy, rested girl.
- I kind of really, really loved the spin on Rent’s Seasons of Love they did on The Office Thursday. Will Ferrell’s no Jesse L. Martin, but this was still all kinds of fun.
Next week is Michael’s last show. Sad face. Yesterday was a gorgeous, sunny day here in Portland. The four of us went downtown in search of fun, and found it along the Willamette—specifically, at Saturday Market. I couldn’t resist a beautiful handmade glass-and-metal spinner for the front porch. We got elephant ears, semi-highs on weed smoke, and best of all, sunshine. It was crowded and crazy but good weather after a way-too-long winter brings out the best in Portlanders, to be sure. We Manullangs thoroughly enjoyed our day.
- There’s a new-ish iPhone app called Crackle that streams movies and TV shows for free, though there’s not a huge selection (yet). Last night I watched Reign Over Me, which is about a guy who reconnects with a friend who lost his family on 9/11. It was sad but sweet and I loved Don Cheadle in it. Adam Sandler wasn’t bad (better than his dramatic role in Punch-Drunk Love, IMO), but his voice got on my nerves after a while, as it was at its whiniest. Oh, and I’ve decided I do not love watching full-length movies on my iPhone. An iPad would be much better. Or… a TV!
- Here’s an amusing tumblr page featuring pictures of cats where they don’t belong.
- Please tell me my kids weren’t the only ones who ate chocolate for breakfast this morning. (And Happy Easter, by the way!)
- Do you read PostSecret? I thought one of today’s secrets was especially snicker-worthy:
Thank the gods that my kids’ teachers have all had a decent grasp of our written language; I’ve never felt the need to do this. EVER. But I see a lot of other teachers’ notes home that really, really make me want to shake ‘em.
Having said that, the other day I caught a typo on a memo I sent out to teachers a few months ago. Get this—I used “please” instead of “pleased.” Yes, I said, “we are please to tell you…” Can you believe that? Would it be weird if I re-wrote the entire memo with a huge apology-slash-retraction? Would that make it worse? Because, really? I. Want. To. Die. - At last week’s PTO meeting we had nominations for next year’s new board members. My term is up, but I may be re-signing to co-president with Sunshine. That is, if people vote for us. There are rumors that they won’t. Watch for more on that in a future post because OMG, I can’t believe people sometimes.
- Friday is the Royal Wedding. Sure, William and Kate are getting married, but the REAL royal wedding is at Willamette Valley Vineyards. Kim F’n is going to be Kim F’n-W! It’s sure to be a fabulous time, EVEN THOUGH Kim didn’t ask me to perform the ceremony EVEN THOUGH I’m an ordained reverend. (I think she’s afraid I’d curse too much.)
In closing, I want to thank all of you who emailed or commented after my last post. You are so good to me. It was a rough week. I don’t know how these things snowball and finally end up in a blog post, but I’m working on controlling them a bit better. Regardless, I love you for letting me be me.
Glad you enjoyed the sun while it lasted! Not ready for Michael Scott to move on - is this a sign I need more of a life :). Our PTSA noms just finished - it's 1/2 way through the 2 year term and a number of people stepped down from burnout. I admire you and Sunshine for stepping up for another term!