June 17: Happy Birthday, Kristine!

Today is my friend Kristine's birthday. I haven't seen her in forever since she moved out of my neighborhood. This makes me sad. She was my favorite neighbor. I have a new favorite neighbor now, but she's not as cool as Kristine and never will be.

I hope Michael, Jonathan and Jennifer treat you extra-special today--you deserve it! And someday I hope I'll see you again.

1 comment:

  1. Hi you, it seems like forever since we spoke last. Thank you for your wonderful birthday wishes they were very much appreciated. So tell me who is your new favorite neibor? Is it one of the newbies. I still talk to Cristina once in a while. So how have you all been? I think about you all the time. We always have the hardest time connecting maybe the internet will work better than the phone. I am still working at Starbucks and it seems like between work and sports I have no time for anything else. A typical day for me is get up at 2:50am be at work by 4:10am off by 1pm. Race home make lunch for the kids, after lunch its off to the park or outside for some playtime. At 4pm I have to start getting the kids ready for their games. We leave at 5:10 and return home at 9pm. We eat, get ready for bed, I iron my clothes and get my stuff ready for work the following day. I finally go to bed at about 10:30 or 11pm and back up at again at 2:50am to do the whole thing over again. I cant wait to retire. Anyways please write back and let me know how you are, I miss you terribly. Love always, Kristine


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