Jan. 23: Printer problem

Geez, I sure am prolific today. Here's an e-mail forwarded from my friend Becky, who's always good for a laugh.

Dear Printer Repair Man:
Please come to my house and check my printer. Every time I use the printer - and I am away while it prints - my papers are wrinkled, even shredded. Sometimes the ink is blurred. I hope that you can find the problem!!
Concerned Computer Owner

Dear Concerned Computer Owner:
While you were gone today, I checked your printer, and I found your problem. Please click on the [video below] for the answer.
Your Printer Repair Man

1 comment:

  1. Wow -- I think of all the student workers I've thought were dishonoring my diligent work and now realize it might have been Bandit! Hilarious!


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