Sep. 6: Happy birthday, Deanna!

Happy birthday to my favorite cousin, Deanna! I feel very fortunate that my dad and Deanna’s mom were brother and sister so I can always claim this fun person as a family member. Also, she led me to the ministry, for which I will be forever grateful. My virtual gifts for Deanna this year are:

Here’s a priest collar in dickey form, to wear for all future weddings Deanna will perform. She’s done two weddings already, which is two more than I have done. I’d like to call her a mean name for being a more successful reverend than I, but that would not follow our church’s doctrine.

The redneck version of Windows: Winders Bubba. So she can be even more Saltmarsh-y.

I did not bake Deanna’s birthday cake but it doesn’t mean I love her any less than if I could have baked it. That doesn’t make sense, does it? But I think she gits it.

1 comment:

  1. Boy, I share my birthday with some pretty high-caliber people! Totally coincidental (?) in regards to the Winders theme, but Jeff Foxworthy's birthday is today as well. Make whatever you will out of that.


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