Mar. 12: It's like TV

The big appliance truck just left, and I swear Michael Beach was the guy driving it. I swear! You don't believe me, do you? You never do.

Celebrity delivery guy or not, I now have a new washer and dryer with which my husband can do my laundry. Do I have pictures of them? Of course!

I did tons of research before I made this choice but right after we placed the order I started hearing all sorts of negative things about front-loaders. Now I'm a-scared. I know there's less detergent required, and that I shouldn't freak out when it looks like there isn't enough water being used. Any other important facts anyone can share?

And how long does it take for the coolness factor to wear off? Because right now I'm ready to set up a chair in front of this set and just watch 'em work. Wheeee!


  1. omg!!!!!! We love ours!

  2. I love ours. The clothes smell fresh even with less detergent and water (you're using the right kind of detergent, right?). When they got installed I yelled for Taylor to come look and she just rolled her eyes and walked away. Took about 3 loads before I stopped watching. It is, after all, still dirty laundry. :)

  3. We have had ours for two years and counting. It is great. I can fit a king size comforter in them no problem. My washer has a Sanitize cycle that I use to wash sheets and bedding. It is great, because they get sooooo clean.

    The washer also spins the laundry so well that most of the water is gone when you put them in the dryer. Less drying time. In fact, I can wash a load and dry a load in the same amount of time.



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