Dec. 17: A look under the hood

Today is our third snow day of the week and I am not-so-slowly losing it. I understand the school district’s top concern is for its students’ safety, but are they really better off stuck at home with parents that are on the verge of locking them in the closet? (I’m looking at you, Lori Lassen…)

For you, dear reader, this insanity should mean you don’t hear from me in a while. But I need a distraction, so instead it means you get a stolen post. Chris gave us a look under his hood and I decided to do the same.

My Blogger stats tell me lots of uninteresting things:

  • This is my 898th post since I started the blog in 1999. I made one post in 1999 and again in 2004, but have been slightly more post-y in other years.
  • Last year I reached a high of 379 posts and am on track to hit 400 this year.
  • Most of the Google searches that have brought people here to Stuff Jen Says are people’s names. However, the next most popular search phrase was “Zac Efron pantsless.” This frightens me in several ways.
  • In the past year I had 2,168 absolutely unique visitors with 6,639 visits. They spent an average of one minute, 39 seconds on each visit.

Typealyzer is a site that analyzes a blog to determine its writing personality. Results for Stuff Jen Says are:

ESFP - The Performers
The entertaining and friendly type. They are especially attuned to pleasure and beauty and like to fill their surroundings with soft fabrics, bright colors and sweet smells. They live in the present moment and don’t like to plan ahead - they are always in risk of exhausting themselves.

They enjoy work that makes them able to help other people in a concrete and visible way. They tend to avoid conflicts and rarely initiate confrontation - qualities that can make it hard for them in management positions

Except for the planning ahead thing (I insist on planning ahead, even if it’s impossible and even if I suck at it), this sounds like me. Interesting, since my Myers-Briggs personality type is usually INFJ or INFP. Does this mean I have multiple personalities? (Shut up, Chris.)

My blog’s readability (the level of education required to understand it):
blog readability test

Gender Analyzer: Man or woman, who is writing that blog?
We think is written by a woman (74%).

What’s the film rating of my blog?
OnePlusYou Quizzes and Widgets
(Apparently this rating is because I used the word “crappy” four times and “hell” once. Shameful!)

What’s my blog worth?
I’m hoping this analysis isn’t terribly scientific.

Cubestat says Stuff Jen Says is worth $190.53.

Website Outlook says is not a valid domain. I would like them to bite me. They do, however, find and say it’s worth $189.80. They should still bite me.


  1. What's the big deal? You've seen my closet. It's like a small country. They LOVE it! ;)

  2. Too funny - you know I had to play along!


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