Dec. 21: So many things

I haven’t posted in a few days, and I wouldn’t write right now if not for that fancy little bulleted list button up on the toolbar. I’m way too scattered to write a cohesive post.

  • Christmas shopping: done. I think. This year I shopped locally and online, almost equally. I hate waiting until the last minute, but Amazon Prime is, like, the greatest invention EVER, and I was still placing orders yesterday. If you need a cardboard box with an Amazon logo on it, by Friday I’ll have a very tall pile of them.
  • The mall: Hell on earth.
  • Doorbell: rings too much.
  • Christmas shipments: done. Definitely. Will they get to their destinations before Christmas? I sure hope so.
  • The Nanny Diaries sequel: purchased. I didn’t see the movie (Scarlett Johansson is one of those totally overrated actresses, IMO), but I read the book when it first came out and really liked it. Nanny Returns picks up 12 years after Nanny stops working for the X’s.
  • Millie: cabin feverish. The cat’s locked up in our bedroom while Gilly’s here, and she’s going nuts. We let her out for a little while yesterday, and it seemed to help. I think she realized that outside isn’t so awesome when it’s rainy and cold—she hasn’t asked to go out since she came back last night.
  • My vision: all wonky. WTF? I noticed last week that I was having a hard time seeing long distances. During The Nutcracker performance, I couldn’t tell which bad actor was Jack. I called my oncologist to ask about it and was told it’s a temporary side effect from the steroids—the steroids I haven’t taken since the week of my last treatment. Hopefully I’ll get more information when I see the doctor tomorrow, and hopefully I’ll feel comfortable enough to drive again someday. This kinda sucks.
  • Chemo: tomorrow. Loveliest Lori is accompanying me on treatment #2. Let’s hope it takes less than six hours this time. Let’s also hope it doesn’t make me so sick that I spend Christmas Day in bed. The timing for treatment #2 could definitely be better.
  • My head: hurts. It’s not headache-y; it’s tender. I think it hurts from the nonstop pulling on my very loosely attached hair. I blame The Boy.
  • Bathroom sink: clogged with hair. I don’t have much left, but what comes out every day still manages to plug up the drain again and again.
  • Hairless: the people who love me most. My cousin Deanna suggested that rather than shaving your heads, y’all should get Brazilian bikini waxes in support of me losing my hair. Great idea, isn’t it? Turns out there are a lot more people who would rather shave their heads. It also turns out that not everyone knows exactly what makes a Brazilian bikini wax different from a regular one. Here’s a pretty good account. And if you’re on the fence, I don’t advise reading this article.
  • My hairy friends: I still love you. But a little ‘scaping wouldn’t kill ya, would it?
  • Akinator: silly fun. Think of a real person, movie character, anything like that… the Akinator will ask you questions until he guesses who you’re thinking of. Try it.



  1. Jen, I saw my friend Bonnie yesterday. Remember her? I shaved her head after she started chemo the second time. Anyhoo, she told me to tell you to ditch the wig. They are hot, itchy, and irritating. She went with bandannas or hats. Way easier. On a side note, she has hair now. Short, but definitely hair.

    You and me...Treatment #3, right?

  2. I agree about the wigs. I tried my Mom's on that she sent me--for about two seconds a piece. Once I got the hang of tying the wraps, they were a favorite, and the only way to go for me. Eventually, you'll get comfortable being bald around more and more people. But, you gotta get there your way. In any case, we got ya covered, Jen. ShevyX.

  3. I'm with you on the Prime, baby. It's pretty amazing. And tonight I entered a mall for the first time this holiday season... hell is putting it mildly.

    I'll be thinking of you tomorrow and wishing you energy for Christmas!


  4. Would cutting my hair suffice? That one might be more doable - I might even manage to make it a BAD haircut if this makes you love me more. I do what I can. :O)


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