Feb. 11: OK Go again

You probably saw this OK Go video a while back when everyone was raving about it—with good reason, as these guys are nothing if not coordinated. Here’s a reminder.


Their latest video is the same type of thing, all done in one shot. Amazing when you think of all the planning this involves. I think if I were in either of these videos, by the time we finally got the good shot I’d never want to hear the song again FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE.


Is it just me, or do you wish you were a band geek after watching this video?


1 comment:

  1. Whaaa? No big deal-- I do fun stuff like that on my treadmill all the time.
    BTW, Jen, Sophie didn't share any of her take-home music or goodies with me! I had to read about it here. So, no, it definitely did not end up in the trash!


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