It would have been difficult for this to be a rotten day. It was a happy one, and here’s why:
- Victor had the day off. Well, kind of. He was on call, so we couldn’t really do anything super-awesome, like go to a movie together or venture across town for fun. But we still got to spend most of the day together while the kids were in school, and we went out for lunch. It was a treat. (I kinda like him.)
- My PTO gals are fabulous. We did a little promotion for tomorrow’s carnival at this morning’s assembly, but not until the principal was done lecturing the kids on how naughty they’ve been lately. While we waited and waited and waited, we whispered and giggled like delinquents in the hallway. We might not always be the best examples of good behavior, but I love them girls.
- Sunshine and I spent a couple hours working on the to-do list for the school carnival. That might not sound worthy of celebration to some people, but it was! I was with my Sunshine Girl for the third day this week, we had fun chit-chatting over our perfectionism in sign-creating, and most importantly, the carnival—while a ton of work for everyone involved—is a really fun project. So, y’know, yay us.
The sun shone almost all day today—it was one of those Portland winter days that absolutely convinces you that spring is on its way. Who cares if it’s grey and dreary tomorrow? Today was gorgeous. It was hard not to smile at the beautiful blue skies and white fluffy clouds.
- The crocuses (crocii?) and daffodils are popping up in our front yard. One of the last things we did in the fall was plant crocus, daffodil and tulip bulbs, and it’s exciting to see the yard coming to life again! Victor picked up some primroses for the large pots we have on the front porch too. These little bursts of color do so much to cheer me on the grey days, and they also act as a motivator to get me outside to spruce things up where I can. Right now I can’t tell the difference between weeds and crocuses, though, so I’m not pulling anything I can’t definitely identify until I see blooms. Smart girl, no?
- Here’s something that made me laugh today: I walked into Jack’s classroom to get some supplies and one of the girls pointed to my scarf and asked, “Why do you have that on your head?” I said, “Because I don’t have any hair anymore.” Her reaction was priceless—her jaw totally dropped. I said, “I know! Weird, huh?” It was funny, her completely honest response, and she stood there speechless, staring at me as I walked out of the room. Kids.
There’s rain forecasted for tomorrow. No matter. Today was truly wonderful.
She could have asked to see your noggin and then crayola'd away a Valentines for you (or Jack), polygons, predicates, the usual 2nd grade stuff :)