This blogging meme is making the rounds on the ‘net, so I decided to play along. If you’re a blogger, you can too.
How long have you been blogging?
I started my web site in 1999, so… going on 11 years. I started using Blogger in 2007, and that made it easy to post more frequently.- Why did you start your blog? Were you inspired by someone or something?
I was pregnant and looking for an easy way to share information with family and friends. I think I wasn’t so much inspired as pushed by my students; I taught web publishing classes and was frequently asked what kind of web site *I* had. I needed something to show the nosy freaks. - How many hours a week do you spend on your blog?
Oh, way too many. - What kind of experience or background do you have with writing?
I’ve kept a journal since high school, so I guess a lot of my writing experience has come from that. I took creative writing classes, wrote for the school newspaper, that sort of thing. I think the most widely circulated publication I ever wrote for was the Collegiate Quarterly. I also think everyone else at my college was asked to write for it too. I am not special. - How do you come up with blog topics? Where do you get your ideas?
I typically write about whatever pops into my mind. Sometimes I read a news item that sparks a thought, and other times it’s just the regular things in life that get me writing. - Do you have any blogging rules?
One of my pet peeves is when bloggers post without citing their sources. I try to remember to cite my sources and link to them whenever possible. I can’t think of any other rules I follow. Well, besides the attempts at perfect spelling and punctuation, but that’s just something I require of myself. - Is there anything you will not blog about?
Much to my husband’s dismay, not much is off limits. I don’t get into specifics about work—bad idea. And I won’t try to resolve issues with friends or family by writing about them, knowing they’ll read it. In other words, I try not to use it as a passive-aggressive tool. Y’know, now that I think about it, there’s a lot of stuff I won’t blog about. Maybe it’s none of your beeswax though. So there. - How do you deal with blogger’s block?
This doesn’t happen very often, probably because news items rile or humor me often enough that I can almost always find something to post. If I’m really, truly desperate I look for a meme to complete, which is not to say that if I publish a meme I have nothing else to say. Some memes are just kinda fun. - Do you have a publishing schedule?
It all depends on how post-y I’m feeling. Sometimes I post four times a day, but usually once a day is enough. I’ll publish any time of day or night, but tend to write in the mornings most often. - How many posts are in your “drafts” folder right now?
None. Well, I suppose if I dug around in my document folders I’d find some unfinished posts, but they’re old and I’ve probably forgotten what my point was by now. - What blogging program do you use (WordPress, LiveJournal, Blogger, etc.)?
Blogger, heavily customized. I created a cascading style sheet that makes my text area wider than the standard Blogger text column. Being wider allows for larger photos and video windows that don’t get chopped off. I also created all the headings for the sidebar, my signature, etc. - Do you use the blog publisher window to write your posts, or a text editor, or something else?
I use Windows Live Writer and I love it. The Blogger posting window bugs me. - Are there other blogs you feel are similar to yours in content, style, or voice?
Yes, many. Remember? I am not special. - Do you make money from your blog?
No. I’ve considered making affiliate links or adding Google AdSense to my blog, but haven’t. I doubt I’d earn much, and those ads are annoying as hell. - How did you come up your blog name?
Well, there’s not really a theme to my blog; it’s just stuff I feel like saying. Some would call me brilliant for coming up with such a perfect name. I call them delightful (and very, very easy to please). - How many blogs do you have? If you have more than one, why?
Just the one. I can barely keep this one going sometimes, so I’m not about to try juggling another. - What are some of the other blogs you read and recommend to fellow bloggers?
I love The Bloggess, the snarky girls at Go Fug Yourself, and my friends Sunshine and Sherilee and Jen E. I follow a lot more blogs, but those have probably been in my feed reader longest, they’re updated regularly, and they’re the ones that make me happiest when I see new posts. - Are you having as much fun now as when you first started blogging?
Even more. Blogging is a very fun and creative outlet for me.
Aw thanks for the shout out - you know I'm gonna have to fill this out, too - I love me a good meme.
ReplyDeleteI keep hearing about Windows Live Writer - make should totally make something similar (and free)... I suppose they think they have iWeb, but I doubt it's really the same.
Thanks for the post! Your timing was perfect because yesterday I was "volunteered" to set up a blog for our PTO. I wasn't even sure where to start - but your post pointed me in the right direction.
ReplyDeleteOnce it's up and running I'll send you the link so you can critique it for me. You rock!