Jun. 2: Good garden/bad garden

Hey, remember when I promised I wouldn’t blather on about my garden anymore? I totally lied. But I’m gonna say that technically it wasn’t a lie because I never intended to break the promise. What I forgot to anticipate was how excited I would be when certain things bloomed, like my day lilies because they’re a gorgeous, rich color and I can’t just keep them to myself:


…and when certain things appear to be dying for no good reason at all, such as my beloved variegated willow, to which I am trying to talk sweetly but it just drops more leaves whenever it sees me coming, the stupid plant:


Hooray and boo.


1 comment:

  1. Glad you shared. Makes me feel less weird for wanting to post photos of my awesome mock orange bush that is in full bloom right now. It is AWEsome.

    Maybe the variegated willow is just taking a moment to aclimatize itself... are you as warm as we are right now? Poor little transplants...


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