Feb. 15: Marginal improvement

I am hurting less today. I no longer want to chop my own head off. Other people's heads, well... I pretty much always want to chop off other people's heads.

Katie and Jack are still running fevers but Motrin seems to be getting us through the day. The fact that I'm appreciating their quiet-ish behavior while ill proves just what a tremendously bad mother I am.

I've escaped upstairs but I'm tired of sleeping. And even though I still have some trouble focusing on the computer screen, I can't stop trying. See what I do for you? Yeah.

Today's linky goodness goes to America's 20 Worst Foods. I was relieved to find that I have tried only one of the 20 items in my lifetime (the Awesome Blossom, which is not really all that awesome), so I'm going to conclude that I'm just as healthy as can be. I would, however, like to change that because #10 sounds perfectly delightful: Bob Evans Caramel Banana Pecan Cream Stacked and Stuffed Hotcakes. Is that heaven on a plate, or what? I don't care that its calories are equivalent to five Egg McMuffins, I must have it. Anyone know where can I find Bob? And then Weight Watchers?

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