Feb. 2: Big day for Sean

Happy birthday to my oldest nephew, Sean, who turns 21 today. I cannot believe that kid is already 21. I also cannot believe my sister is old enough to have a kid who's 21. That's just so funny I might be laughing all day.

Over Christmas I introduced Sean to the deliciousness that is a Dew-Mi (Mountain Dew and Midori) and although his idea of proportions emptied the Midori bottle pretty quickly, I felt sorta proud to be contributing to the delinquency of a minor, much like his father did for me a few years ago. It was not such a proud moment, though, listening to Stephen beg Sean to make him a Dew-Mi. In fact, it was quite possibly the weirdest conversation I've ever heard between brothers.

"Sean, will you make me a Dew-Mi?"
"Make it yourself."
"Please? I don't know how." (This is soooo the excuse Kath uses to get me to make her things)
"It's Mountain Dew and that green stuff."
Stephen pauses, then looks sideways to make sure Auntie Zen is listening. "Sean, I will pay you twenty dollars to Dew-Mi."

Enjoy your legal drunkenness today, Sean. And avoid your brother.

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