Feb. 29: What, no Darwin award?

You gotta read about this guy who drove through a barricade and ended up in the river. His little dog apparently got caught under his brake pedal but he had trouble getting him out because he had a cup of coffee in one hand and his cell phone in the other. He said he lived through the accident because God heard his prayer.

So, he was saved because he prayed? Isn't this just proof that there is no God? Should we really be worshipping a god that would save this jackass?

This reminds me of all the times I didn't study for tests and prayed I'd ace them anyway. I mean, if you can't even manage to get ONE hand on the steering wheel as you careen down the highway with your dog roaming loose in your car, you better damn well not ever STOP praying.

I'm betting the airbag must be pissed, what with God getting all the credit for its hard work. Also, according to his dog's photo the guy hasn't heeded Bob Barker's advice.

I implore you, why are these people allowed to live? They're lucky their deserved punishment (slow torture involving ice picks, razor blades, rubbing alcohol, and Celine Dion) is frowned upon in today's society.

1 comment:

  1. What a jackass! I nearly had an accident myself while reading your blog on my blackberry while heading to the drive-thru at Starbucks. What a moron to let the dog run around the car while driving. How distracting!


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