Feb. 14: True romance

'Twas a dreary Valentine's Day.

Tuesday morning I woke up with a headache. I spent two days willing it away as I prepared for Katie's classroom Valentine's Day party today. I woke up around 3:00 this morning and was tempted to go to the E.R. because that's where the good drugs are. Instead I went downstairs and slept on the family room sofa. I'm not sure why I thought that would help anything; the family room sofa is not meant for someone as tall as I am to sleep on (how'd you do it, Kath???) and it made me grouchy (er).

My head was still pounding this morning. I slept as late as I could and then took off for the school with high hopes of being distracted enough that I could simply forget about my headache. Obviously, I am delusional when my head hurts this much. I met Katie's teacher in the hall and he said she wasn't feeling good either, and had stayed in from recess. I took her to the nurse and she was running a temp of 103° so they insisted I take her home. When the other room mother arrived and I told her I was leaving before the party even started, she looked at me like YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING. Y'know how something is totally out of your control but it still leaves you feeling irresponsible and flaky? I mean, she's a perfectly lovely person and probably doesn't hate me but I still think I owe her big time. Ergh.

I ran over to Jack's classroom to tell him I was taking Katie home and when I kissed him on the forehead he seemed very warm. He said he felt fine. I think he just didn't want to miss his classroom party. Katie and I curled up with the dogs and took naps as soon as we got home. Later I went to get Jack and he went to bed right away too, burning up. My headache really seemed immaterial at this point--any parent knows that other concerns disappear when your kids' skin feels like it's on fire. And now they're both in bed again and I still feel like crap and we didn't get even a tiny bit of Valentine's Day celebration in. What a bunch of sickie-losers we are.

It is quite possible the only good thing about today is that I did not get a dryer for a Valentine's Day gift. I got a lovely bouquet of colorful daisies, which were cheery and made me smile, briefly.

I hope your romantic tales of Valentine's Day 2008 involve far less vomiting than ours.

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