Feb. 6: Insularity breeds dorkiness

Linky linky! Here's a fun article from The Onion's AV Club: The knights who say "nerd": 20 pop-cultural obsessions even geekier than Monty Python.

I'm proud to say there are only two of these 20 obsessions to which I can relate. Some of them I've never even heard of--game show tape trading? Cosplay?

The Simpsons is #1 on our TiVo season passes list, and we watch the evening syndicated episodes too. However, I've never been even one bit suspect that the world the Simpsons live in is preferable to ours. In fact, I'm pretty sure if I was drawn into The Simpsons they'd make me look like Lunch Lady Doris and I don't think I could handle that. I'll stay in my own little imaginary world, thankyouverymuch.

The other obsession is Wikipedia, but I'm not sure it counts because I've never edited a Wikipedia entry. I've wanted to, but I never have. So the fact that I consult the site often doesn't really count as geeky according to this article.

Might I conclude that I'm not as big a geek as I'm often accused of being?

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