Oct. 7: I am super funny

Here’s the sitch:

Your husband asks you to look up his library card number, which you keep handy because you’re a good wife. You read it to him, y’know, because you’re a good wife. But you don’t stop there because you are exceedingly helpful. You continue to add random digits until your husbands yells at you to wait because he didn’t get those last five, and then he yells again because he doesn’t understand why Multnomah County’s library system uses so many numbers in their library cards, like it’s your fault or something. Then your husband looks up to see you giggling like the moron you are and throws stuff at you even though you were nice enough to look up the number for him, just not nice enough to stop giving him numbers after you finished reading him the actual number. Geez, he always wants stuff done his way.

Is it at all possible you might not be as good a wife as you fancy yourself to be?


  1. No, I'm pretty sure that makes you a GREAT wife. :)

  2. That is hilarious. How long did it take him to figue it out? LOVE it!

  3. No, I'm pretty sure that makes you a GREAT wife. :)


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