Mar. 24: Like he invented the idea.

Jack comes downstairs with a big grin: “Dad, can I teapot the whole house?

Vic and I look at each other, confused (and hoping like hell he didn’t mean ‘teabag’).tprolls

Vic: “Teapot? What’s that mean?

Jack, laughing all sinister-like: “It’s when you put toilet paper all over the outside of the house!

Us, now also laughing: “That’s ‘TP,’ mister, and the answer is NO.

Appie, your nephew doesn’t need help learning the naughty words you taught me when I was his age, but he could use some lesson on correct prank terminology. Please add that to your agenda for next month’s visit.

jen says stuff


  1. lmfao that is too funny!

  2. That's my grandson!!! Credit him with good listening skills--he had to hear about teapoting or TPing someplace!

  3. Thank goodness I'm good for something. ALSO, I'm good for explaining the difference between "ek-specially" and "especially" - today one of our VP's used the moron term during an address to our company. I would think that a VP would know the proper pronunciation. She probably orders "expresso" at Starbucks! I guess that's why I'm not a VP - I'm overqualified!! Bottom line, Jack, I'm there for you!!!


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