Nov. 4: “If I were president…”

Tonight Jack watched a few minutes of returns with us and once it was pretty clear Obama had won, he asked what “the other guy” was going to do now. We had some great joke-y answers and then said he’d go back to being a senator. This meant nothing to Jack, of course, but then he came up with this little nugget:

“Know what I would do if I were president? I would ask the guy who lost to be my vice president!”

Apparently at school today they read a Clifford book about the election process. Clifford was running against a blue dog named Mac. One realistic part: Mac’s owners put his posters on top of Clifford’s. Dirty campaigning, even in kid books! And don’t get me started on the red dog vs. blue dog thing, as if that was unintentional. It’s sick and wrong, people. In the end, Clifford won the election because he promised to clean up the trash in the park, and after the election he offered Mac the vice president job. Such a simple solution that would never, ever, ever, ever work in real life. But cute nonetheless.


  1. Clifford can be really sweet and really strange all at the same time. It would be nice if the world were that idyllic though.

  2. In the beginning that's how the veep was typically selected. Jack's a smart boy!

  3. Jen E, I've seen a few kids' books about the election process, and they're all VERY simplified. I suppose that's the best way for them to be, but you can't help but wonder about subtext (think about the points Dr. Seuss managed to get across). Interesting!

    Chris, I think you and Jack's grandmas are the only people who've ever said that about him. :)

  4. In the beginning that's how the veep was typically selected. Jack's a smart boy!


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