Nov. 4: Sandpaper would be cheaper

Last night I talked to my mom for almost two hours. She told me all about her weekend of visitors (Ed, now it’s time to hear your side) … we talked about the election … books … how she says it’s crazy but she drives all the way across town to buy cheap gas (two minutes from her home) … adorable pets … my uncle “accidentally” hitting my grandma in the eye with scissors—gotta love that man! … work … all the kinds of things moms and daughters with a lot of similar interests talk about, sorta. She even kept the f-bombs to a minimum, for which I was quite thankful.

And then she turned on the TV and saw the Saturday Night Live Presidential Bash was on and said, “Oh, I gotta hang up now.”

She’s lucky I love her sometimes. Or should that be “sometimes she’s lucky I love her”? I’ll let her decide which is more appropriate.

Either way, I am sooo getting this tattoo lasered off.


  1. OOOOOOOOOOOO Jen, when do I get equal time?? I mean, well, actually, I don't know what I mean. And it would be un-nice of me to use any expletives to try to defend myself.... Guess I'll just say that I love you every minute -- sandpaper and all!

  2. OK, I'm going to defend Mary here... I can't imagine that you've never ever ever done something close to that to her? Hmmmm?

    I wish I could say I haven't done that to a loved one, alas. Maybe you should get her TiVo for Xmas and then she could just hit the record button and keep on talking!

    OK, Little Miss Buttinski will go away now.

  3. Mom, no need to defend yourself. I'm just giving you a hard time... and I've had enough lasering for a lifetime. Don't worry; the tattoo stays.
    Sherilee/LMB, you're right, I'm pretty sure I've done that to her before, but not since TiVo's been part of my life. Getting Mom her own TiVo's not a bad idea. :)

  4. My side of the story = delightful weekend. Other than destroying your mom's garbage disposal. I suppose I should send you a recap, though.


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