Nov. 7: Chaperoning again

I’m going to Pittock Mansion with the third graders today. Although I’ve been there about a million times, I don’t think I’ve been inside the mansion since I was a kid. See, it’s the kind of place that a lot of people go not necessarily to tour the building, but to get a beautiful view of the city. The grounds are peaceful and well-kept, and it’s nice simply to walk around. If you’re really adventurous, there are trails in the surrounding hills that can keep you ooohing and aaahing over Portland’s lush green-ness until you get lost and lay down to rest and the banana slugs carry you away to a slow, slimy demise. (Yet another reason I say hiking is a bad idea.)

The inside of the mansion is pretty cool, if I remember correctly. When I was little I always dreamed of getting married there, gliding gracefully down that gorgeous staircase toward my future husband. This was before I had come to terms with my clumsiness, of course. Because if they allowed private events to be held inside the mansion, you know I would have ended up on every one of those “Weddings Ruined by the Bride’s Failure to Accept That She Should Never Walk Down Stairs, Ever” videos. You know the ones.

When I picture an old haunted house, it’s always Pittock Mansion. I don’t know why and I hope I don’t figure it out today. I do suspect I’ll be saying, “Let’s stay with the group, kids! No dawdling in the attic! That’s just a white nightgown hanging in front of an open window!” a whole bunch.


  1. It sounds like a great place! Hope you have fun!

  2. Yeah, Pittock mansion is awesome...Let's get back to that countdown calendar for SFO. It actually looks a bit smaller today. What gives? ;)


  3. Lori, the countdown clock looks smaller because it's under a month now. If I make it any bigger it'll totally throw off the feng shui of Stuff Jen Says. We can't have that.

  4. When I first read the headline "Chaperoning again," I thought, wait, is Katie already going out on dates? I'm glad her mom at least goes along to make sure no monkey business happens. Ha.

    I hope you had a good time. I mostly don't miss field trips now that Seth's in middle school and they don't even ask/want parents along. Sniff. Really, don't miss it. Sob.

  5. When I first read the headline "Chaperoning again," I thought, wait, is Katie already going out on dates? I'm glad her mom at least goes along to make sure no monkey business happens. Ha.

    I hope you had a good time. I mostly don't miss field trips now that Seth's in middle school and they don't even ask/want parents along. Sniff. Really, don't miss it. Sob.


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