May 23: Couldn’t think of a title

sleepyastronaut My back has begun to hurt so much that the only way I can sleep is to sit up straight on the couch with a heating pad on a pillow. If you’ve ever tried to get a decent night’s sleep while sitting up straight then you know how much it sucks to be me. On the other hand, I have much more sympathy for astronauts now.

Lots more yard work today, but for the most part I played supervisor. I wasn’t allowed to do much because Victor’s being super-bossy of my back pain. I know it’s supposed to make me feel loved that he doesn’t want me to stress my back even more, but I think he’s just tired of hearing me whine. Of course, he gets the bed to himself when I’m sleeping on the couch, so who really knows what his ulterior motive could be. I just know there must be one.

I learned a long time ago not to buy aquarium fish at Wal-Mart, as they come pre-diseased. Today I learned not to buy nursery stock at Wal-Mart. All four of us were covered in aphids after walking through their garden center. Y’know, I’m not even all that worried about having an aphid infestation in our newly landscaped front yard—it’s just way creepy to have little bugs all over you.

There’s good news, though. My cough is virtually gone. Gotta love antibiotics for doing what they’re supposed to.

Soooo tired. Done writing now.


1 comment:

  1. Two things to say about that post:

    (1) Sorry about your back; and
    (2) What the hell were you doing at Wal Mart?



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