Jan. 14: Out

I’m so tired of lying around all day every day. This morning when I woke up I thought, “I’m going to work today. I can’t stand this anymore.” Then I stood up and realized that I still hurt, and I hurt a lot. It had been more than six hours since my last pain pill so it made sense. I took a Vicodin—I’m slowly weaning myself off them; now I’m down to one every 5-8 hours—and went downstairs for coffee.

By the time I got to the bottom of the stairs I knew I was sooo not going to work today.

I ate a bowl of Cheerios, drank coffee, cleared my Google reader and answered some e-mails. I watched the last half of an old Law & Order (I swear, that show is on all day on some channel or another but I’m not complaining because I love it). I started to clean up my messy desk and decided I’d rather do something, anything, else.

The dogs get frustrated with me when I move around too much—“too much” meaning “more than twice a day.” I went back upstairs. The dogs sleepily followed me and were nervous the whole time I was in the shower, as they think showers happen just before they get left alone for hours. I put clean jammies on, played some Spider Solitaire, lay down, and read until I fell asleep.

When I woke up it was sunny and bright and I thought again about venturing out. I got dressed. Yes, in REAL CLOTHES! I couldn’t believe it either! Living in jammies for a week is awfully nice but it takes away all motivation to even open the front door.

I thought maybe a quick trek to the mailbox wouldn’t be such a bad thing. I bundled up and walked down the street. Twister, Dawn & Darby’s silly kitty with half a tail, was sitting under the mailboxes, and immediately began to scold me. I don’t know what I did wrong. Maybe Millie told her how lazy I’ve been all week. She rubbed just enough hair on me to piss off my dogs and ran off.

When I stepped back into the house the dogs looked relieved that I was FINALLY home, and they ran upstairs in front of me to cozy up on the bed again. And that’s where we are now.

I put on clothes, I got fresh air, I got exercise, and I got the mail. It was good to get out but it exhausted me. I’m done for the day, I tell ya.

Tomorrow I might try driving all the way to Trader Joes. Stay tuned.


  1. Two buck chuck, good for what ails ya!

  2. hey, one step at a time, right? You'll be at Trader Joes before you know it, I'm sure!

  3. hey, one step at a time, right? You'll be at Trader Joes before you know it, I'm sure!


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