Jan. 15: 7 things

Ok, everyone’s doing the 25 THINGS meme. There’s also a 7 THINGS meme going around and I keep getting tagged on both. I wasn’t going to do either because I blog about everything (and nothing) and I don’t think I need an excuse to share even more. But I don’t have anything else to write about today, so here goes. The instructions for the meme are to write random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. I chose to do the 7 THINGS meme because seven is less than 25 and I’m lazy as hell (#8, I guess).

  1. I could live in jammies and grab any opportunity to take a nap. I used to write them on my schedule in high school and college.
  2. I was raised Seventh-day Adventist but no longer have any interest in organized religion of any kind. I can easily list several specific events that helped me make this decision and if you’re SDA, they would all make you cringe (another post for another time). The only SDAs I still have regular contact with are those I respect as kind and loving people (you know who you are).
  3. My dad died unexpectedly in 2005. It took a year of grief counseling until I began to feel like myself again—but it was a new me, a me without her father. I don’t know for sure that anyone ever really recovers from losing a parent so much as they just adjust. I truly believe something inside me broke the day my dad died, and it makes me feel for those who grieve in a way I never did before.
  4. My greatest weakness: macaroni and cheese. My greatest strength: not answering “macaroni and cheese” when asked about my weaknesses in a job interview.
  5. I consider myself an open-minded person, but the truth is that I have no respect for inconsiderate a-holes and ignorance in general. My feeling is that when you make a conscious decision to ignore how your behavior affects others, you should lose the right to be heard. This applies to things as simple as parking like a jackass in a crowded parking lot and goes all the way to the big stuff like committing heinous crimes. Somewhere in there is denying the right to marry for two people who love each other.
  6. I have a hair that grows out of my neck. It’s black and very coarse and has outsmarted all methods of permanent removal. During the winter, when I wear more clothes and apparently pay less attention to neck grooming, the hair has grown long enough for me to wrap it around my index finger and yank it out. And that’s exactly what I do when I notice it, right after screaming at my husband for not noticing, and isn’t that why I got married in the first place, so someone would be there to tell me when I obviously haven’t noticed myself that there is a giant friggin’ hair growing out of my neck???
  7. While we’re on the topic of hair, I hate shaving my legs. I do it only when I absolutely have to, like before doctors’ appointments and on Vic’s birthday.

Consider yourself tagged.

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