Apr. 1: Three little words

A few weeks ago I heard a teaser just before a news break that went something like this:

If you’re worried about foreclosure, stay tuned. We’ll tell you the three words that could save your home.

I’m not worried about foreclosure myself but my curiosity was piqued, so I did as they told me and stayed tuned. I did not change that dial.

Here’s what they said: in the process of small banks being bought up by larger banks, and loans being sold and re-sold and sold again, paperwork is not always readily available to prove a bank owns your mortgage. In the economy’s current state of suckitude, people facing possible foreclosure can supposedly stall it by telling the bank to “produce the note.” (Here’s a more recent article about this.)

In our regular nightly review and analysis of the day’s news (cough cough), I mentioned this to Victor. Here’s how the conversation went:

Jen: So, I heard on the news that people can get out of paying their mortgage with three simple words.

Victor: I know, I know! They’re “I. Am. Gay.”

Why do I even try to talk to him?


Besides, everybody knows gay people don’t need mortgages. They get their homes for a song. Literally.



  1. Damn, I knew I was doing something wrong!

  2. Too funny. Your husband is a gem. But you knew that already, right?!


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