Apr. 30: Thursday Thirteen #16

For today’s Thursday Thirteen, I present 13 random and amusing bumper stickers I’ve collected from around the ‘net. These are the best of those in the non-political and non-religious categories. Enjoy!

1. stickeryoda

2. stickerbacon

3. stickerclosed

4. stickerdragon

5. stickeremolawn

6. stickerhair

7. stickerkickbox

8. stickernag

9. stickernobelprize

10. stickerpiranha

11. stickerstabby

12. stickeranalogy

13. stickerpunctuationsaveslives 


What is Thursday-13? Read all about it here.



  1. I love all of them, but the last is definitely the best of the bunch!

  2. # 5 and #13 are fabulous. Where did you find them?

  3. Love those. For some reason #5 made me snort my coffee, but also like #4, #6, #9 and #13!

  4. Love them! But I have to confess I had to look up "EMO" - am I REALLY old?


  5. LOL Love the last one! They were all great. Thanks for the chuckles. Happy T13!

  6. LOL! I love them, especially the grammar one. Let's eat grandpa indeed. Happy Thursday!

    Thursday 13 - edition 5
    Laundry love...and hate

  7. I love this! I teach high school English, so I should show #13 to my students.

    Thanks for complimenting my wedding photos on my blog! :)

  8. #6 - been there, experienced that! Ouch :p

    (I like your next post too following up on the Sedaris show - but don't you mean Henry Potter - hahahaha!)

  9. Oh dear.
    Let's keep it our little secret that Grandmother Wren's new (quiet) motto will be "I don't get mad - I get stabby"

    It's been a long week with the newly retired Grampy! :)

  10. Oh dear.
    Let's keep it our little secret that Grandmother Wren's new (quiet) motto will be "I don't get mad - I get stabby"

    It's been a long week with the newly retired Grampy! :)

  11. #6 - been there, experienced that! Ouch :p

    (I like your next post too following up on the Sedaris show - but don't you mean Henry Potter - hahahaha!)


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