Apr. 5: Our couple name could be “Jin” or “Jem”

jimpam I had a dream last night about me and Jim Halpert. He dumped that psycho Pam and told me he loved me, so Michael Scott immediately called a staff meeting to announce the bittersweet news. My whole dream was like an actual episode of The Office. Just think, if these were interesting dreams, I could be a scriptwriter and just dream up all the episodes. Instead I’m a loony who dreams about fictional characters falling in love with me, and not even in an intriguing way. Let’s face it, no one would watch the episodes I’d write.

I woke up with a fat lip this morning and am talking weirder than normal. Seriously, one side of my lip is totally swollen and I look like I got punched. Now, I’m not saying I couldn’t possibly have deserved to be punched, but I wish I knew who did it and why. Vic swears it wasn’t him.

I blame all that yardwork I did yesterday. I’m telling you, it’s not healthy to exert oneself, people!



  1. I have a tendency to dream about making dinner or going grocery shopping - my dream life is frequently just as dull as my real life! :P

  2. I have a tendency to dream about making dinner or going grocery shopping - my dream life is frequently just as dull as my real life! :P


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