Apr. 7: Landscaping

One of our plans for this spring, and probably continuing into the summer, is to re-landscape our front yard. While walking around our neighborhood last fall I fell in love with what some homeowners had done with their front yards and suggested to Vic that we do something similar. He liked the idea, but it was Jack that got really excited about it. He started brainstorming and suggested a small waterfall, which turned into a pond. The next time he talked about it, the pond had become a trickling stream that stretched across the yard. Within a few days the stream turned into a flowing river that ran around the front and into the backyard. He’s an idea guy. He’s a dreamer. He’s also seven.

With the beautiful weather we’re having right now—don’t tell me it’ll end today; I don’t want to believe it—comes the motivation to make some real plans for the yard. Last night we looked at plants and trees and found some good possibilities. We need to choose the right materials to make a small path from the sidewalk to our front porch. We’re ready to sketch out some ideas. Jack will undoubtedly have more oh-so-practical suggestions, like boxwoods groomed into R2-D2 and Yoda. Katie will want lots of cute garden figurines, but I’ve got my eye on some pink flamingos (heh heh… just kidding, neighbors!). Nevertheless, I’m excited about the project and hope once the good weather’s here to stay we can really get going on it.

Until then, I’m doing some research because GET READY FOR THIS: I’m going to make a fountain. I’m telling you this because you’ll hold me accountable, right? I may regret that.

Really, though, I’ve been looking at fountains online and in stores for the past few days and I can’t find anything that’s just right. I know I want it to be solar so I don’t have to deal with electrical stuff, because if it’s left up to me I’ll surely do it wrong and people will complain to the HOA. “Every time the Manullangs turn on their fountain the power goes out in the whole neighborhood.” Also, I don’t want it to be friggin’ huge. I’m thinking of a birdbath type, or possibly a recirculating waterfall kind of thing. I’m not sure yet.

I’ll keep you up to date on my fountain-designing and -building progress over the coming weeks and months. In the mean time, please enjoy this commercial from the U.K., which has absolutely nothing to do with our landscaping project but makes me wish I lived in a country where we could air clever commercials like this.



  1. That is the funniest commercial ever. Why are we so damn puritanical in this country?

  2. You are putting me and my 2-year pond project to shame! Yikes. You'd think I am trying to dig a pool, how slow I'm going. This IS the year, I do swear... thanks for the inspiration. Jack can come lend a hand, any day!


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