Jun. 10: Thursday Thunks #9

Thursday Thunks (TT) is a blog meme for those who need a little kick in the butt to find something to post about. Your blog posts/answers to TTs can be type or pictures, doesn’t matter! YOU pick, not us, we just give you the assignment (yep, just like English class... only we won’t grade your spelling and grammar).

  1. Did you pass your driver’s test the first time you took it?
  2. You are sitting outside on your deck in your comfy lawn chair, feet are up and the temp outside is perfect. There are no bugs to bite you and ruin the night... it’s peaceful and all you can hear is the birds singing and an occasional cricket. What’s in your hand?
    Definitely a frosty and adult-like beverage.
  3. How many graduation parties and weddings do you have to attend this summer? OK... how many are you invited to?
    We haven’t gotten any invitations to a graduation or wedding that are near enough for us to attend. Does this make us lucky, or does this make us loser-y?
  4. Someone once said that the grass isn’t greener on the other side... are you jealous of your neighbor’s lawn?
    I used to be, until we got rid of our front yard lawn. Now we’re not the ugliest yard on the street anymore!
  5. I’m gonna take you fishing... are you going to be a whiny baby and not bait your own hook and when you catch a fish? And am I gonna have to take it off the hook for you?
    I have no problem baiting a hook, or taking a fish off a hook. I’ll do whatever you want as long as you don’t make me eat the fish. Blech.
  6. Hamburger buns - sesame seeds or not?
    I don’t really care.
  7. What’s your favorite flavor of water?
    Water-flavored water. Purified for drinking, preferably; if not, with lemon to cover up the chemical taste. Lots of ice, please.
  8. Eclipse is coming out this month... are you going to see it?
    Gawd, NO!

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