Thursday Thunks (TT) is a blog meme for those who need a little kick in the butt to find something to post about. Your blog posts/answers to TTs can be type or pictures, doesn’t matter! YOU pick, not us, we just give you the assignment (yep, just like English class... only we won’t grade your spelling and grammar).
When was the last time that you made an excuse for not doing something that you shouldn’t have agreed to do in the first place?
I know I’ve done this, but I can’t think of one lately. I’m getting better at not committing to things I shouldn’t, I guess.- Without identifying the person, is there someone in your life that you’d like to shake some sense into?
Yes. - Did you ever really care if Tiger Woods cheated on his wife?
My yes-or-no answer is “no,” but I can’t stop there (shocking, isn’t it?). I will never understand why famous people aren’t more careful with that sort of thing. I’m not condoning the cheating, but GEEZ, how stupid are they? Texts? Phone calls? And they don’t think they’re going to get caught? IDIOTS. - Tell us about your favorite movie of all time.
That would be White Christmas. Love the “Sisters” song and “Love, You Didn’t Do Right By Me” that Rosemary Clooney sings in the club in that gorgeous black gown. Yes, the movie’s totally corny and all, but all that music and dancing makes me happy. - What do you think of heterosexual marriage?
It’s good. Well, it is for me. I don’t think it’s the only way to go, though. - What would you change about your life if you had just one wish?
Right now? No cancer. - Tell us about a recent great day.
I had pretty awesometastic couple of them last weekend.
I want that little face with the zipper mouth. I could use that on occasion. Not saying I WOULD, but I could...