July 24: Martin, my explanation

Wow, four days is the longest I've gone without posting in a long time. There's a good reason, though: I spent the past several days with two of my favorite girly-friends on our bi-annual/semi-regular/much-too-infrequent Girls' Weekend™. We are all back where we belong, and our trip report is one of the bazillion things I hope to get done today.

Yesterday morning I woke up with a killer headache and after an hour or so behind the wheel, finally asked Debi and April to drive the rest of the way back to Portland. When we got home I took Katie to her swimming lesson and then went back home, took some very powerful drugs (apparently) and went straight to bed. I remember very little of the evening. I vaguely recall CSI: Miami being very loud on our bedroom TV, an announcement about Drew Carey's new job, and giving the kids their goodies from southern Oregon. I woke up this morning when I fell out of bed. Really. It hurt. As soon as Vic made sure I hadn't broken anything, he laughed. Big meanie.

I still feel all disoriented, but except for missing my girls, there's no place like home. If I improve throughout the day I'll get our trip report posted. Otherwise you'll have to wait, Martin. Solly.



  1. Appreciate the update, coulda sworn we saw you on the morning news awaiting your free POANG armchair...

  2. Actually, I prefer the more comfy PÜPLÏ armchair, so no sense lining up.

  3. whew. thought you were dead.

  4. Jen,

    I don't know if you have seen this, but if you haven't...you must read this:


  5. Jen,

    I don't know if you have seen this, but if you haven't...you must read this:


  6. Actually, I prefer the more comfy PÜPLÏ armchair, so no sense lining up.


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